Thursday, November 12, 2015

Paul Ryan Breaks His Promises And Aims The GOP Clown Car At A Government Shutdown

Sarah Jones
Tuesday, November 3rd, 2015, 6:17 pm

For all of his lofty talk about bipartisanship before he took the gavel, new Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) went directly to the right wing mattresses in his first news conference as Speaker, during which he refused to rule out the House using riders to get their way. Ryan is aiming the clown car right at a government shutdown.

Republicans are gunning for Planned Parenthood over nonexistent issues they pretended were proven in videos that actually showed nothing of the sort. Not one to let reality get in the way of an extremist agenda, the beltway’s beloved “policy wonk” Paul Ryan vowed today, “We fully expect we’re going to exercise that power.”

Ryan is referring to including policy riders in an omnibus appropriations bill, or as we say in the real world, abusing the budget process to enact right wing agenda’s that they can’t pass normally. This won’t pass with the President, and thus we would be facing yet another Republican government shutdown.

“While Ryan did not elaborate on what sort of riders would be considered in an omnibus measure, conservatives on and off the Hill are pushing to defund Planned Parenthood — a sticking point that could have led to a government shutdown until the CR was passed,” RollCall reported.

Ryan made sure to use his first presser to attack Hillary Clinton and President Obama, too. You know, for the bipartisanship. “… if we don’t believe that the country is headed in the wrong direction, we don’t think that it is, we think the president is leading it in the wrong direction, we think a Hillary Clinton presidency will continue leading the country in the wrong direction.”

So Ryan is electioneering from the Speaker’s office. Good to know.

And that’s a no to working together with Democrats and the President for a “deeper understanding”. Y’all, that was just talk! You had to know as soon as that gavel was in his hands, it would be business as usual. And business as usual for Paul Ryan includes being super slippery with the truth, facts, reality, and math. Unlike former Speaker Boehner, Ryan doesn’t actually seem to have a moral compass that directs him. He is much more like his former running mate Mitt Romney in the flip-flopping to appease and appeal, yet — and this is the scary part – he lacks Romney’s gravitas.

Are you missing John Boehner yet? I sure am. OK, well too bad for us, we’re stuck with Savior Paul Ryan, who is too full of hubris to even know when he’s lying. On CNN yesterday, Ryan sent a message to the nation that Republicans couldn’t or wouldn’t be using the threat of another government shutdown to get their way with policy riders. Naturally, he cited the Constitution. This man is very serious. Remember, he got his monetary ideas from a work of fiction. So very serious.

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