Thursday, November 12, 2015

Marco Rubio's financial mess

From Robert Reich

Marco Rubio is now busily defending his use of an American Express card issued to him by the Republican Party of Florida when he served in the state’s legislature. It was supposed to cover political expenses but Rubio used it in 2007 and 2008 to cover everything from movie tickets to a four-day $10,000 family reunion, according to the Miami Herald and Tampa Bay Times. “It wasn’t a credit card,” Rubio explained yesterday, “it was an American Express charge card secured under my personal credit in conjunction with the party.” Huh?

Frankly, I care less what kind of credit card Rubio had nine years ago than that this year and last he’s missed more than half the votes he’s supposed to take in the Senate, with the explanation they’re “unimportant.” And that his positions on a woman’s right to choose abortion, equal pay, gay marriage, corporate taxes, climate change, defense spending, the minimum wage, and immigration are all to the right of Attila the Hun.

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