Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Why Are Right-Wingers So Ignorant?

By Kyle Neven on September 12, 2016

Yes it would be easy to look at the graphic like this: the dumber you are, the Whiter you are, the more ignorant you are, the more likely you are going to vote for Trump.

That’s a simple throwaway however.

The deeper truth is this — when you are more educated, statistically, not only are you going to make more money, you will have a stronger set of values, moral code, and cultural enlightenment over someone who refuses to go beyond K thru 12.

I’ll tell you why in a minute.

Now of course there are exceptions. Plenty of folks out there without degrees are highly intelligent, well informed, and well off. But I’m not talking about the rock-stars of Silicon Valley, or our famous actors, performers, artists or passion-hungry entrepreneurs that wake each morning ready to take a huge bite of what life has to offer. I’m sure you can easily picture in your head the kind of people I am talking about — if you can’t, go look at the YouTube video showing one of Donald’s hate rallies for a quick refresher at the end of this piece.

Now you’ve got the picture right?

But have you ever wondered how this happened? How did those people become so ignorant, angry, cold-souled, and hateful? While there is no single answer, one reason is those people have never been exposed to the larger world around them.

You see, people with means are more likely to travel — explore the planet. When you have a higher level of understanding of the world, you see things a lot clearer, and become more open-minded. You begin to grasp what’s actually real... a firsthand reality one can touch, taste, see and feel. Ignorance gets tossed out the window. Your level of empathy lifts, your curiosity of another’s life expands, and you acquire a global wisdom. You come to know we are all in this together — not so dissimilar in our desires, needs, goals, or in how and who we love.

This isolation, lack of access and depravity of uneducated White Right-wingers living in red States practically guarantees the ugliness of a closed mind and dark heart. How could it not? In truth, we should pity them — and because they keep voting Republican, will likely to be their forever lot in life. (and deep down they know it) So instead of facing this truth, they dig in, they rebel in the only way they can… by voting against their own best interests.

You see when you’re broke and see no way out, you are afraid. Day to day life becomes terrifying. Fear breeds contempt. A contemptuous being quickly becomes caustic — and yields effortlessly into a state of hate.

Trump knows this. Matter of fact… he preys on it.

People who are financially strapped are stripped of confidence. Especially the Caucasians (because White people with their perceived entitlement, don’t believe they’re supposed to be impoverished) cannot cope with the idea that they are less than. So they lash out against the system they feel has done them wrong. They’re not able to comprehend the truth — that it’s themselves who have created their placement of stagnation. Thus as they are not able to create the life they want for themselves, they play the blame game.

Statistics don’t lie, it’s just a fact — when you cannot get an education, or you choose to not to be educated, you are most likely going to have less opportunity. So instead of recognizing what is so clear to all of us looking in — unlike Blacks, who get it and vote Blue — these people are stuck in their own personal inner-driven false narratives. Couple that with their pessimistic outlook on life, a fierce jealousy of others that they feel have taken something that is rightfully theirs, and you’re got some real mess-pots out there running around wild.

It drives these Trump supporters mad… literally.

So now, not only dealing with anger, envy, hated, and regret — we have a whole swath of our country, half a “basket of deplorables” if you will, who have gone fucking nuts! They have allowed their brains to be consumed by fear, loathe and lack. Heaven help them, these sad souls are stuck, huddling together in despair, and the only way for them to see the world — is through the eyes of Fox News.

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