Saturday, April 06, 2013

What is religion?

We all see religion differently. As I've pointed out repeatedly in this blog, it seems that nearly everyone feels they have the right to pick and choose which of the contradictory themes from within their Holy Book they will follow. Some Muslims point out that Islam is a religion of peace - and they point to passages in their Qur'an that support this theme. Other members of Islam commit suicide, stone sinners and wage jihad against anyone that pissed them off today - and they point to their favorite passages in the same book.

Christians? Same thing. Some see the hate, bitterness, discrimination, strict rules and intolerance of the Old Testament and wish to wage war with anything that is different from them. Others point to the love, sharing and nurturing taught (most of the time) by Christ in the New Testament. Take your pick - they're all delusional. If there ARE higher powers at work in this universe, and there may well be, we have not yet found them.

Following - some of the hate, bile and venom spewed out by some Christians in the US toward their fellow human beings - atheists - on just one blog. Just so you can get a better understanding of where religion can lead you.

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