Friday, January 09, 2009

Palin Continues to Amaze

A clip from the newest interview with Sara Palin has been all over the teevee and Internet tubes of late and I'd bet you've seen it. Sarah was interviewed by Jon Ziegler for a documentary to be called Media Malpractice - How Obama Got Elected. Here it is on You Tube, in case you haven't seen it before...

Well, David Shuster had an interview with Ziegler and it was VERY interesting. Who's David Shuster? This guy...

David Shuster was named anchor of MSNBC's "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue" in December 2008. The Emmy award-winning journalist has covered the nation's capitol for 16 years and is based in Washington, D.C.
Read more about David here.

Despite having filmed the segment above, and despite having released a segment of it on You Tube, Ziegler still believes Palin was assassinated by the press - and that's part of the reason that Palin-McCain lost the election. I watched Ziegler's video above AGAIN and it's clear that neither Palin nor Zeigler understand just how dopey the woman is.

Crooks and liars post a little of the interview between Shuster and Ziegler - see below for a taste. Click this link for all of the C & L post.

Ziegler: I believe her character was assassinated, David, and I believe this network played an enormous role in that process and you took the clip of the Katie Couric out of context.[..]

Shuster: But John, even in the documentary, at least in the clips that you've released, she still can't answer, at least it takes her several opportunities, she still really can't say what she reads. Does Sarah Palin take any responsibility....

Ziegler: David, that's ridiculous. Apparently you didn't watch the clip.

Shuster: I did, She talked about news articles that are widely circulated in Alaska

Ziegler: You're a joke.

Oh my God. Oh My God. There are just so many stupid people on this planet that it makes my head hurt.

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