Tuesday, November 19, 2013

More guns - safety or danger? A Google search...


http://www.bostonfirearms.com said...

More guns lead to safety, provided that people are getting firearms safety training accordingly. If people follow the gun laws strictly and carry out all the safety precaution while handling the gun then there will be no danger of any kind.

Bozo Funny said...

Your statement SOUNDS good, but there are too many well-trained police officers, safety experts, firearms trainers, and others well-versed in gun safety who lose their temper and shoot someone, or who accidentally shoot themselves for me to buy into the argument that better training alone will solve the problem. Too much evidence that points to the fact that the more guns that are in circulation, the more shootings there will be.

Having said that, I agree that guns should not be illegal. Training WILL help reduce accidents.Background checks will help keep some people from getting guns who shouldn't have them. Requiring gun owners carry some liability insurance might help. There are other precautions we could take that might help reduce the number of harmful shootings.