Thursday, January 08, 2009

Holy Smokes!

You know, if you can get someone to believe in a mythical, invisible, magical, know-all, do-all being living in the sky over our heads, it probably isn't such a stretch to make a profit from the following (reported in the J-Walk Blog)

Holy Sand

At only $29.95, this seems like a steal: Sand of Christ.

From the FAQ:

What exactly is Sand of Christ?
Sand of Christ is a keepsake that has been blessed and made holy by an ordained minister. It is a vial of sand that has been filtered, cleaned and purified, then anointed and blessed through a long and expensive process. The vial is secured in a waterproof metal capsule that has been highly polished by hand. Each one has the cross laser engraved.

Coming next - Holy Cow Pies

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