Thursday, January 01, 2009

What Would Jesus Do?

I wonder if our compassion for people who are less fortunate than ourselves is hard wired into our DNA? When I read the Bible I see the stories of Christ's compassion and God's love for mankind (not that I believe any of the stories are true), and I tend to overlook the harsher stories in which people are stoned or cruelty is inflicted on mankind.

When others read the Bible they focus on the "end times" and the need to destroy one's enemies (other religions). I can only assume, but I believe these folks find comfort in knowing that they are "special" people who are destined to rule the world now and to be hand picked by God when the end times come.

The difference in the two groups of people can found by soliciting reactions to stories such as the one below. Into which group of people do you fall?

A New Jersey church has evicted a homeless shelter because its operators didn't require guests to say grace before eating Christmas dinner.

So, now you know what the answer is to all those WWJD wristbands you've seen on the wrists of the relige-o-nuts.

Read the full story in the Wall Street Journal
from Carolina Naturally

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