Monday, January 12, 2009

The Shady Names List

You've got to go to the Gawker web site to see the video, but this is great stuff. The Conservative Ya-yas just can't make up stuff fast enough to try to denigrate Obama. They have absolutely no intention of trying to work with the Democrats to resolve the nation's ills - their only goal is to try to destroy the new majority.

From Gawker...

It's a fun new game and you can play along at home! Just place our president-elect's name in a list of names of shady characters. Then get rich on the teevee!

We're shocked. America elected Barack Obama for one reason and one reason only: it was impossible to place his name in a list of names of disreputable people, without context, and get away with it. It turns out, though, that is is very possible to just rattle off a list of scary and bad names of people and pretend they all have relevant connections to our president-elect that we should be concerned about!
Click on the image or the link to see the video.

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