Saturday, January 03, 2009

More On the GOP's Racial Issues

From WSLS-10 comes this wonderful story of Republican reaction to the distribution of the song "Barack the Magic Negro."

The distribution of a controversial song by a candidate for chairman of the national Republican Party has created an unnecessary distraction as the party rebuilds, Virginia GOP chairman Jeff Frederick said Friday.

The candidate, Tennessee political operative Chip Saltsman, mailed a CD late last month to members of the Republican National Committee that included a track called “Barack the Magic Negro.”

Frederick is one of 168 committee members who will vote in the chairmanship race Jan. 30 in Washington. He has not endorsed any of the six candidates.

He said Saltsman didn’t “mean any harm” in distributing the song, which argued that “guilty whites” felt comfortable voting for president-elect Barack Obama because he was “black, but not authentically” and “not from the hood.”

Now, from my perspective, when one attempts to reduce one's political opponents to the color of their skin, that's racial discrimination. One would have to guess that among all of these Republicans there is a bit of racial hatred going on, or they too would be offended.

I wonder how white, pasty-faced cracker Frederick would feel if we reduced HIM to a racial sterotype?

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