Friday, January 09, 2009

Bernard Madoff Scandal Hits Close To Home

It's all over the news - I don't post a lot of mainstream news here because it IS all over the news - but this is the closest incident of fallout for me. I live near Syracuse.

CBS 5 has learned the Syracuse Carpenters Union 747 is one of several that lost millions in the Bernard Madoff Ponzi Scheme.

Carpenter Harold Bush has more than 30 years in as a member of the Local 747, and he has no idea how much money he's out. The local money paid into the pension fund was involved in a complex web of investments, and heavily tied to the Madoff scandal.

I think the only thing I have to comment on is that Bernie is still being allowed to live in his multi-million dollar NYC palace, and he's still walking the streets every day, while you or I would go to jail if we'd stolen even $50. Pisses me OFF.

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