Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Accomplishments of George W. Bush

As the Bush supporters prowl the TV shows trying to establish a legacy for our departing President, it's ALMOST funny that they are claiming the W. kept us safe from terrorism on our home turf - AFTER 9/11. Of course, he didn't keep us safe from 9/11 even though we know he got advance warnings. But the talking heads are trying to get us to overlook this.

There are some other instances of W doing a good job for America - the following list is from Grasping Reality...

The Washington Monthly: Jon Swift, apparently inspired by Barnes' insightful perspective, thinks there may be something to this. He has a great new list highlighting the brilliance of Bush's presidency:

  • After Hurricane Katrina President Bush kept our cities safe.
  • After the October 2008 stock market correction there have been no Great Depressions.
  • After Iraq and Afghanistan took a turn for the worse, President Bush kept us from losing any wars.
  • After the District Attorney firing scandal, the outing of Valerie Plame and other scandals, President Bush restored integrity to government.
  • After divisive elections President Bush united our country.
  • After Abu Ghraib, President Bush reaffirmed America's adherence to the Geneva Conventions and against torture.
  • After 9/11 President Bush kept America safe from terrorist attacks on American soil.

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