Monday, September 11, 2006

Losing Control

President Bush has suggested, in speech after speech, that the war in Iraq is still under control. Further, he has suggested that he is following the leadership of the commanders on the ground in how best to fight the war; he has suggested that the Generals never asked for additional troops nor have they ever suggested that withdrawing might be worthwhile.

In fact, from what I can determine from Bush's speeches and Cheney's speeches, the biggest problem for the U.S. in the war on terror are those Americans who want to pull out of Iraq and end the war now. Sigh. The man is a nitwit. But then again, I'm repeating myself.

The Washington Post is telling us that a report has been filed by a US marine intelligence office which claims that the entire Anbar province in Iraq is now out of our control - the insurgents now rule the entire region west of Baghdad. Read it.

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