Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Background checks

The gun nuts will lie and they will make shit up all day long in order to protect their precious killing machines. Not so much for the people around them.

From The Political Carnival...

Repeal background checks, watch gun homicides increase: They did in Missouri.-

Daniel Webster, the Director Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research, did his homework, and the results confirm what our common sense would also tell us: If you repeal background checks, then criminals have an easier time acquiring guns… and have an easier time using them to kill people.

Via Think Progress:

Webster found evidence that the expiration of the law resulted in a sharp, roughly 25 percent spike in the homicide rate in Missouri - despite the fact that gun violence was declining nationally and regionally. [...]
Normally it's very hard to ascribe changes in homicide rates to any one particular factor, but Webster and his co-workers found strong evidence to support the idea that the repeal of the permit-to-purchase law was the cause. [...]

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