Saturday, February 26, 2011

One solution to the U.S. financial problems

The Solution to Our Budget Problems Is So Obvious: We Need to Raise Taxes on the Rich, ASAP The answer to many of our country’s domestic problems is obvious -- the rich need to pay their fair share.

February 25, 2011

A great tragedy of the United States is that the answer to many of the country’s domestic problems is obvious, even simple, but can’t be done because of a dominating political/media dynamic that rules that solution out.

The solution to these many problems – from the budget deficit to crumbling infrastructure, from mass joblessness to income inequality, from environmental degradation to educational shortfalls -- is to raise taxes on the rich and to use that money to get the United States back on track and advancing toward the future.

And there are clear justifications for doing so, from practicality to fairness. Though many multi-millionaires fancy themselves self-made men (and women), the truth is that they all have profited from investments that American taxpayers have made over the decades, and even centuries.


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