Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Political posters

Orlando shooting. Imagine if 20 patrons of Pulse had guns on them. As the shooter started, all 20 pulled their weapons and scanned the room for the bad guy. They each spotted someone with a gun and began firing - with only a 1 in twenty chance that they were actually shooting at the bad guy. Because many of them weren't very skilled, many of them shot innocent bystanders in the process, others shot other good guys with guns. The bad guy had worn body armor, so if he did get hit by chance, he might well survive. Then the police arrive and THEY start shooting at anyone with a gun. It seems pretty obvious that the solution to our gun problem isn't MORE guns - it's fewer guns in the hands of bad guys. Just saying.

Matt Damon on ban k fraud.

Make America Great Again.

Education makes for better voters.

Vote against the GOP.

Sanders still in the race.

Fighting for women's rights.

Republican do-nothing Congress.

Stop Donald Trump

2016 Republican Party

Hillary supports stronger gun controls

The rich are working to destroy our society.

Minimum wage.

Trump is playing everyone.

Education in the military.

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