Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The Supreme Court screws up again - very badly this time...

Robert Reich

Yesterday, Justice Steven Breyer joined with the four Republican appointees to the Supreme Court in a decision that allows the police to stop you on the street even if you’ve done nothing wrong, demand your identification, check for unpaid traffic tickets, and arrest you if there's an outstanding warrant just because you haven’t paid a traffic ticket (the arrest itself can make it difficult for you in the future to keep or get a job, or rent an apartment) -- and then carry out a thorough search. If that search reveals, say, drugs, you can be arrested on drug possession and the drugs can be admitted into evidence against you.

The case – “Utah vs. Streiff” -- involved an illegal stop in which the officer initiated such a chain of events without justification. The Court’s decision to admit the drugs into evidence seriously erodes the Fourth Amendment’s guarantee against unreasonable police searches and seizures. It’s a shameful decision that should remind us that our next president will have at least one and perhaps several Supreme Court appointments. I don’t want Donald Trump making them.


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