Friday, April 15, 2016

Better enforcement of gun laws

From Gun Nut Central

Rep. Donald S. Beyer, Jr., a U.S. Congressman from Virginia, is calling the NRA's bluff--as well as that of the obstructionist shills in Congress who do the NRA's bidding. The NRA's canned argument, parroted by its shills, has been that we don't need new gun laws, we just need better enforcement of the laws currently on the books. The NRA and its shills put forth this argument even as they hypocritically block leadership appointments and legislatively weaken the ATF's ability to do its job.
Rep. Beyer is boldly challenging the NRA and its shills to put up or shut up by introducing a bill called "The ATF Enforcement Act."

...Because fuck you, NRA. And fuck you, NRA shills.

Nothing will come of this, off course, because the NRA is currently in control of the U.S. Congress. But unrelentingly shining light on the corporate corruption and enslavement of our legislative branch by the NRA is, in and of itself, a noble and important fight.

Remember this the next time you vote.

From the article:
"...[T]he ATF Enforcement Act...would restore the agency’s ability to enforce existing gun laws by removing legislative limitations on its operations, enforcement and day-to-day functions. My bill would also allow the person picked to be ATF director to bypass the Senate confirmation process by moving the appointment power to the attorney general. For years, congressional allies of the gun lobby have blocked nominees by both Democratic and Republican presidents. Only one nominee has been confirmed since the position was made subject to Senate approval in 2006.
The ATF Enforcement Act also would:
• Eliminate limitations on the use of data regarding firearms tracing, known as the Tiahrt amendments. The ATF is currently prohibited from disclosing trace data to the public, except annual statistical reports.
• Repeal riders that limit record keeping, dealer oversight, agency functions and firearms regulations.
Congress tasks the ATF with protecting the public from people who attempt to perpetrate serious crimes with guns but simultaneously weakens the bureau’s enforcement capabilities and attempts to starve it of leadership. Let’s end this ridiculous hypocrisy."

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