Wednesday, February 04, 2015

So here's a memo to North Dakota Democrats: It doesn't matter what the question is, or who asks it. Here is THE ANSWER.

"North Dakota's oil industry is regulated by a three-member commission called the North Dakota Industrial Commission. The three members, all Republicans, are the Governor, the Agriculture Commissioner and the Attorney General. The oil industry owns the first two, but the Attorney General, not so much.  He is, though, a member of the team and generally acquiesces. The oil industry owns the Governor and the Agriculture Commissioner by virtue of having paid for their election campaigns."

"Ironically, the campaigns were against the same man, a cowboy-rancher named Ryan Taylor, who was defeated for Governor by Jack Dalrymple in 2012 and for Agriculture Commissioner by Douglas Goehring in 2014. In both cases, the oil industry paid most of the Republicans' campaign bills-more than half a million worth in 2012, something less than that in 2014-even though Taylor was probably going to lose anyway. But the industry knew he was going to be a thorn in their side, and they wanted an insurance policy that guaranteed the two men who had kept the doors open to their greedy march across the prairie, unchecked by onerous regulations, were going to remain In office. So they opened their fat wallets and paid for a couple of campaigns. Now they own two of the three most important politicians in North Dakota." […]
"That's the record of the Republicans in North Dakota. When the industry owns the regulators, nobody gets regulated."
That, North Dakota Democrats, is THE ANSWER.
It doesn't matter what the question is. It's called using your talking points, staying on message.

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