Wednesday, February 04, 2015

One more response to the fallacy of charter school success. He's SHOCKED! SHOCKED, I tell ya!

Doug Livingston's piece on charter schools in Friday's Beacon Journal blew another hole into Ohio's billion-dollar cash cow. There have been frequent reports about how this system of privately operated charter schools is failing in its academic mission at taxpayers' and public education's expense. But now, as Livingston wrote, David Yost, the Republican state auditor, has just issued his investigative report that much money is being spent on kids who are represented in charter classrooms by empty seats.
And once again the river of money has been channeled into the accounts where it will do the most good for the supportive lawmakers, particularly by White Hat Management, the outfit identified by the wide-brimmed crown worn by its founder, Akron businessman David Brennan.
"In a school in Youngstown they found zero students, though the school had received enough state aid to educate 152," Livingston wrote. "Dropout recovery schools operated by Akron -based White Hat Management are among the worst."
Yost, who had called for the investigation, said he was shocked that "50 pct attendance seems to be the average."

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