Monday, March 03, 2014

Democrats with weak backbones.

Wimp Democrats look to split the baby on minimum wage (Click on this heading to read more) (laura Clawson)
Thursday, February 27, 2014, 10:51 am
There is no amount of sarcasm and resentment too great to read into it when I say this: Fan-freaking-tastic. The Senate's Wimp Democrat Caucus is busy trying to decide how small of a minimum wage increase would be small enough to get their votes.
Sen. Mark Pryor is definitely okay with a minimum wage of $8.50 an hour, a level being sought in a ballot measure in his home state of Arkansas. Oh, wow. More than $17,500 for a year of full-time work. Talk about making work pay! Meanwhile, Sen. Mary Landrieu is concerned about:
    ... the tipped wage, which would rise from $2.13 an hour to more than $7 an hour by 2019 under the Democrats' bill and is opposed by the restaurant industry. She isn't sure where she will ultimately land on $10.10 an hour but said there "may be" a middle ground.
    "I'm considering how high the increase should be," Landrieu said. "So while I'm very supportive and generally supportive, I'm working with a few colleagues to see what maybe we could talk about on that tip wage issue. Republicans, too."
There's a reason the tipped minimum wage has been stuck at $2.13 for more than 20 years, and it's legislators like Landrieu trying to make the restaurant industry happy by maintaining rock-bottom deep-poverty wages.

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