Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Crazy, Hateful Conservatives

I would hope against all hope that the Democrats and liberals would NEVER tolerate such crap as this - though I suppose there are SOME on our side who might...

Two weeks ago, the Democratic radio address was delivered by a 12-year old Graeme Frost, who was involved in a severe car accident three years ago and received access to medical care because of the Children's Health Insurance Program. Following the speech, conservatives began launching baseless attacks on Graeme and his family. A poster at Free Republic asserted that Graeme and his sister Gemma attend wealthy schools that cost "nearly $40,000 per year for tuition" and live in a well-off home. The smear attack against Graeme has also taken firm hold in the right-wing blogosphere. The National Review, Michelle Malkin, Wizbang, Powerline, and the Weekly
Standard blog
have all launched assaults on the Frost family. The story is slowly working its way into traditional media outlets as well. Here are the facts the right wing distorted in order to attack Graeme: First, Graeme has a scholarship to a private school. The school costs $15K a year, but the family only pays $500 a year. Second, the Frosts bought their "lavish house" 16 years ago for $55,000 at a time when the neighborhood was less safe. And finally, the Frosts make $45,000 combined and over the past few years they have made no more than $50,000 combined. Since the address, right wing bloggers have been harassing the Frosts, repeatedly calling their home to get information about their private lives.

From Progress Report

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