Sunday, March 31, 2019

Mueller spent two years spitting out facts, Bill Barr took 46 hours to turn it into spin.

Mueller Did His Investigation for a World We Don’t Inhabit

The Barr letter doesn’t completely exonerate President Donald Trump of anything, as Will Saletan argues here, not of collusion nor of obstruction. It simply “shows that collusion and obstruction were defined to exclude what [Trump] did.” The summary defined criminality explicitly in order to exclude the president’s bad conduct, including broadly known conduct never mentioned in the summary. And Barr, who was never invited to do so, issued a legal conclusion of his own on the question of obstruction in order to settle the matter. His summary letter is ostensibly predicated upon almost two years of amassed evidence, but it is not facts—instead, it raises vastly more questions than it answers and appears to be profoundly wrong on some questions of law.

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