Sunday, August 26, 2018

Did Obama commit campaign law violations, as Trump suggested?

Trump’s aside about Obama seems to be in reference to a $375,000 fine Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign was forced to pay to the Federal Election Commission in 2013 for “campaign reporting violations.”

It was a record fine, to be sure — Politico reported at the time that it was “one of the largest fees ever levied against a presidential campaign.” But as Rick Hasen, an election law expert at the University of California, Irvine, told Vox’s Dylan Scott Wednesday, there’s a big difference between criminal convictions like Cohen’s and civil violations like Obama’s, and “inadvertent violations like Obama’s are punished civilly by the FEC.” (It should be noted that Trump himself got dinged by the FEC too.)

Cohen, on the other hand, committed actual crimes. As Deputy US Attorney for the Southern District of New York Robert Khuzami laid out after Cohen’s plea, “It is illegal for corporations to make contributions to candidates, and it is illegal to make contributions in excess of the amount that Congress set for individuals.”


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