Monday, February 12, 2018

Israel just attacked Syria. That’s scary, but nothing new. 9 hours ago

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An Israeli official said Syria hit one of Israel’s fighter jets.

Tensions are rising in the Middle East once again.

Over the last few hours, actions by Israel, Syria, and Iran have increased the chances of a conflagration. At around 4:30 am on Saturday, an Iranian drone entered Israeli territory from Syria. One of the Israeli military’s helicopters intercepted the drone; an Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) spokesman added that the drone “was on a mission.”

In response, Israel sent eight fighter jets that morning to strike the area from where the drone supposedly launched, near the city of Palmyra. Middle East security experts, like the Royal United Services Institute’s Shashank Joshi, noted this Israeli aerial attack was quite big compared to previous ones.

For comparison, Israel used 8 F16s plus 5 F15s during the attack on Osirak in 1981. 4 F16s and 4 F15s reportedly used during the strike against Syria's reactor in 2007.

— Shashank Joshi (@shashj) February 10, 2018

Syria didn’t take kindly to that, however, and it launched anti-aircraft missiles into the sky — which and Israeli official confirms hit one of Israel’s F-16s.

Both of the Israeli pilots in the plane are safe, but one is severely injured due to “an emergency evacuation,” according to the Israeli military. It’s still unclear if their plane received a direct hit from Syrian fire.

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