Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Ouch: VoteVets ad goes straight at Trump's insecurities

Rss@dailykos.com (laura Clawson) · Monday, February 06, 2017, 11:52 am

VoteVets is out with an ad addressed directly to Donald Trump that hits hard at his known weak spots—especially his insecurity about having lost the popular vote.

President Trump, I hear you watch the morning shows. Here’s what I do every morning. [He is shown lifting weights; as the camera pulls out we see he has only one leg.]

Look, you lost the popular vote. You’re having trouble drawing a crowd, and your approval rating keeps sinking.

But kicking thousands of my fellow veterans off their health insurance by killing the Affordable Care Act or banning Muslims won’t help. That’s not the America I sacrificed for.

You want to be a legitimate president, sir? Then act like one.

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