Thursday, February 19, 2015

Scott Walker says he consults with God, but his office can't provide documents to prove it

[You don't think he could be lying, do you? - Bozo]

Scott Kaufman
18 Feb 2015 at 08:59 ET                  
After Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker made another reference to God speaking to him in a speech before bankers in January, Freedom From Religion Foundation member Edward Susterich made an open records request of his office for evidence of his communications with the Lord - and his office replied, officially, that it could find none.
Governor Walker has never been shy about flashing his religious credentials, regularly telling audiences about the nondenominational evangelical church he attends, the Baptist preacher who raised him, and his belief that he only runs for office when "called" upon by God to do so.
As he told the bankers in January, "[a]ny major decision I've made in my life, politics or otherwise, I've tried to discern God's calling on."
His reliance on the role of the Lord in his political decision-making process goes back to his aborted college years, when in an interview published in the Marquette University yearbook, he said that "I really think there's a reason why God put all these political thoughts in my head."
More recently, Walker even went so far as to "punt" on the question of whether evolution is real, claiming that it is "a question a politician shouldn't be involved in one way or another."

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