Friday, February 20, 2015

Catholic School Pamphlet Warns Elementary Students About Masturbation And Abortion

[These fuckers are really perverted to be worrying about this shit with all of the tragedy in the world. - Bozo]

by Kay Steiger
Posted on February 18, 2015 at 4:40 pm
A Catholic school in San Francisco has distributed pamphlets to its elementary students addressing masturbation and abortion before students went to confession. Parents were not pleased.
Entitled "The Examination of Conscience and Catholic Doctrine," the pamphlet was distributed to Star of the Sea students just before confession about two weeks ago, and asked questions such as "Did I perform impure acts by myself (masturbation) or with another (adultery, fornication and sodomy)?," "Did I practice artificial birth control or was I or my spouse prematurely sterilized (tubal ligation or vasectomy)?" and "Have I had or advised anyone to have an abortion?," the San Francisco Chronicle reported.
Parents called the distribution of the materials "careless" and "not appropriate" in interviews with the Chronicle. Star of the Sea has not yet returned requests for comment, either from ThinkProgress or the local press.

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