Tuesday, January 06, 2015

The stupidest quote to start 2015

Rss@dailykos.com (mark Sumner)
Saturday, January 03, 2015, 6:30 pm
Really, it's a shame this didn't sneak across the line into 2014, because-even with a whole year of Louie Gohmert and Fox News as competition-this Jim Cramer quote would still take the head-slap trophy.
However, Today, for reasons best left unexplored, chose to have Jim Cramer pop by on New Year's Day to give his predictions of life in the future ... future ... future.
Among other zingers, Cramer slipped in this.
LAUER: We talk about this a lot, we have in the past, will this be the year that Americans see a real raise in terms of their ability to have a good lifestyle?
CRAMER: Yes. Because this is the year where the companies have so much profit that it would be embarrassing if they didn't return it to some of the workers.
Oh, trickle down, thirty-five years later we are still waiting to be trickled on. But Jim says this year is the one.
CRAMER: There's going to be such great wealth, and such success for so many companies, that don't be surprised if you get a raise even if you didn't ask for it.
Yes, because that's exactly how it works.

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