Friday, July 18, 2014

How can they be so religious, and know so little about their religion?

Monday, Jul 14, 2014 09:31 AM EST

Republicans confuse "Atlas Shrugged" for the Bible (Click here to read more)

A new poll suggests a majority of party members think Jesus would have denounced universal healthcare

CJ Werleman, AlterNet
Do you recall the part in the Bible where Jesus healed the leper, the blind, and raised Lazarus from the dead? I do. Apparently, Republicans remember those three respective biblical stories a little differently. According to a new YouGov poll, Republican Jesus did indeed heal the leper, the blind, and a dead man, but only after he asked each for a co-pay.
The poll was conducted July 1-2 among 1,000 U.S. adults using a sample selected from YouGov's opt-in online panel to match the demographics and other characteristics of the adult U.S. population. On a wide range of political issues, from healthcare to gun control, from raising taxes on the rich to climate change, respondents were asked what would Jesus support or oppose.
According to the results of the poll, a majority of Democrats and independents have read the same version of Christianity's Holy Book as I. For Republicans, however, it appears that, once again, they've conflated Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged with the Bible.
Eighty percent of Democrats and 52 percent of independents said Jesus would support universal healthcare. Indeed it's hard to imagine Jesus would deny care to those who lack the financial means to enjoy the comfort of our for-profit capitalist healthcare industry. But that's not the Jesus Republicans know. Only 23 percent of Republicans believe Jesus would support healthcare for all.
"I was sick and you looked after me….I tell you the truth, whatever you do the least of my brothers, you also do for me," Jesus said.

"Whatever," Republicans say.

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