Thursday, May 16, 2013


The recent triumvirate of scandals hitting Washington is par for the course. None of them are really as they seem to be, but they have distracted the silly little minds of the news companies so that real issues go ignored.

  1. Benghazi - a lot of kerfluffle over nothing more than when the state department got it's talking points about the attack sorted out. It's not about the attack - not about lost lives - it's about talking points. What a lot of bloviating over nothing.

  2. The Justice Department grab of AP phone records - something here that might really merit some study from a liberal point of view. Obama had nothing to do with this - it is apparently legal since it really did involve state secrets - what needs to be sorted out is if this is what the U.S. wants for it's own protection. We've already lost a bazillion of our rights following 9/11/2001, why not freedom of the press?

  3. The IRS scandal - again Obama is not involved - it's an independent agency. The IRS showed a lack of discretion - they examine all of these new 501-C3's claims for charity classification, someone just pointed out that there were a lot of tea party groups filing. Liberal groups have been targeted in the past. Republican Congressmen, not so long ago, requested an IRS review of AARP because they don't like the organization's politics. Boehner screams about someone going to jail, but he has no idea if a law has been broken or what the law is - once again he is just proving that he is the president of the nation's morons.

What has been lost? No one is talking about American's suffering because of the sequester. No one is talking about the wealth inequality that has tens of thousands of Americans (including children) going hungry and living in shelters or on the street. No one is talking about the nation's declining deficit and it's impact on the economy. What a damn shame.

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