This should be interesting - squads of priests wandering the streets, looking for the devil so they can provide an exorcism. I wish them luck - I've been alive for a lot of years and I've never seen hide-nor-tail of the devil yet. Maybe they'll wear special x-ray vision glasses.
Okay, let's assume they find the devil. Since they can't see him, how will they know which end is the head - you know, so they can fight him "head on."
I won't go after any more of the story - I don't want to ruin your fun reading it.
I'm waiting for the sequel - when the Pope declares war on all other religions.
The grounding of hundreds of F-15s because of dangerous structural defects is straining the nation's air defense network, forcing some states to rely on their neighbors' fighter jets for protection, and Alaska to depend on the Canadian military.
The F-15 is the sole fighter at many of the 16 or so "alert" sites around the country, where planes and pilots stand ready to take off at a moment's notice to intercept hijacked airliners, Cessnas that wander into protected airspace, and other threats.
The Air Force grounded about 450 F-15s after one of the fighters began to break apart in the air and crashed Nov. 2 in Missouri. An Air Force investigation found "possible fleet-wide airworthiness problems" because of defects in the metal rails that hold the fuselage together. It is not clear when the F-15s will be allowed to fly again.
Compounding the problem created by the grounding, another fighter jet used for homeland defense, the F-16, is in high demand for Iraq operations. And the next-generation fighter, the F-22 Raptor, is only slowly replacing the aging F-15.
Earlier today Kris Kobach, chairman of the Kansas GOP, sent out a self-congratulatory litany of accomplishments. Among them was one particularly eye-catching item:
To date, the Kansas GOP has identified and caged more voters in the last 11 months than the previous two years!
Caging is a particularly devious and underhanded method of purging likely Democratic voters from the pollbooks. It's also illegal.
In case you missed it
On Sunday, the Senate slept in a bit, opening up shop for under a minute at 11 a.m. And today, the day after Christmas, the Senate gaveled open and gaveled closed another one of these meaningless "pro-forma" sessions in less time than it took you to take out your trash bags full of wrapping paper.
Congress is supposed to be in a monthlong recess, yet because Democrats don't trust President Bush not to make controversial recess appointments while Congress is out of town, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has scheduled these short sessions every few days through mid-January.
If the Senate is technically in session, even for a few seconds, Bush can't use his recess appointment power to push through nominees like Hans von Spakovsky
During what must've been a strenuous day of campaigning in Iowa, GOP candidate Fred Thompson told potential voters at his one-and-only appearance that immigrants deserve some of the blame for the mortgage crisis.
"A lot of them couldn't communicate with the people they were getting the mortgage from," the lagging Republican told an Iowa audience during his "Clear Conservative Choice bus tour...
Thompson's stop in Mason City, Iowa, allowed him to play on Republicans' fears of immigrants and riff on apparent frustration with hearing options in Spanish on recorded phone messages.
This crazy woman is a regular on The View - a daytime TV talk show. And she's a Republican from the get-go. In some of her rants she has declared that time did not begin until Christmas started and that the world is flat. You can check her out on You Tube. This clip isn't on You Tube yet - but in this one she talks about a trip with her infant son to a "rich white-folks" toy store in which she didn't feel free to beat her son like she would in a black person's toy store.
Now you can get a look at a woman who represents the Republican folk that support GWB. It's so sad!