Isn't it time end the "war on drugs" and commit our resources to helping people who have addictions? Prohibition has never, and will never, work. There's just too much profit involved.
All religions have their violence built in - Islam is just more upfront about it.
In 2003, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld promised that any suggestion the United States "is planning a permanent military presence in Iraq is 'inaccurate and unfortunate.'" Unfortunately, those suggestions have turned out to be accurate. The Pentagon has "already spent $1 billion or more on them, outfitting some with underground bunkers and other characteristics of long-term bases." It has also revealed that coalition forces are establishing at least six "enduring" bases in Iraq, Murtha's plan would ensure that no funding goes toward establishing a permanent presence in Iraq, a proposal that has strong backing from the public, lawmakers, and experts. Seventy-one percent of the American public opposes establishing permanent bases in Iraq, and 71 percent of Iraqis want the United States to withdraw all forces within a year.
And so we have built the bases. In the movie, "Why We Fight," the producers claim the number is fourteen (14). With permanent houses and fast food restaurants.