Saturday, October 22, 2016

Trump's tax plan would shovel cash to the rich while doubling the national debt

By Hunter
Saturday Oct 15, 2016 · 5:01 PM EDT

It feels more than a little silly to be talking about policy plans when one of the two candidates for president is mounting his own Nuremberg rallies to declare that the bankers, the Media, and his opponent are colluding to destroy the nation and that only his election can stop them, but if we have to do it, fine.

Guess what? Donald Trump's revised "tax plan" remains incompetent and buffoonish.

Mr. Trump’s tax cuts would be the deepest ever, reducing revenue $6.2 trillion in the first decade and mostly benefiting corporations and the highest-income Americans, the center said. Some middle-income families, however, would receive a tax increase.
With interest, the cost would be $7.2 trillion over 10 years, nearly doubling the growth in the federal debt that is otherwise projected.
So if implemented, it would be catastrophic—at least, if you're one of those conservatives who suddenly discovered, three or so hours into the Obama presidency, that the deficit monster was coming to kill us all.

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