Thursday, October 27, 2016

Cops jail 141 in ND: Even more 'water protectors' step up to the frontline, citing 1851 treaty

By navajo
Monday Oct 24, 2016 · 12:22 PM EDT

It was not 83 Water Protectors who were arrested on Saturday, October 22, as reported yesterday: 141 people were actually jailed! The 83 count was from the Morton County jail alone.

Due to a lack of space to hold the 141 arrested, Morton County sent protectors to several county jails, including Mercer, Cass, Stutsman, Lake Region, Stark, and McLean counties. Arrestees continue to report being strip searched for misdemeanor charges.

This seems to be a "Let’s catch everyone we can in one fell swoop” approach by police. But like other environmental protests in the U.S., this was not catch and release. Our people are being held and forced to pay bail.

And, apparently these rural police think this will stop us by reducing our numbers.

No. Even more water protectors stepped in on Sunday, Oct. 23, bravely set up roadblocks, and erected tipis for an encampment on an easement of the Dakota Access Pipeline to show that we are not giving up.

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