Wednesday, October 26, 2016

DEBUNKED: Trump LIED About Hillary Being Fired From Watergate Inquiry And We Have Proof

By Carrie MacDonald on October 21, 2016
Categories: Elections, History, Media

You’ve probably seen the meme. You know, the one that says Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton was fired from the Watergate investigation and that the guy supposedly in charge called her all sorts of nasty names? And the one that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump brought up the other night? Surprise, surprise – it’s total bullshit.

Clinton Was Not Fired From Watergate Investigation

The crowd booed Trump when he said, at Thursday evening’s Al Smith charity dinner:

“Hillary is so corrupt she got kicked off the Watergate commission. How corrupt do you have to be to get kicked off the Watergate commission?”

This is a long-debunked claim that often is posted as a meme on Facebook or sent to you by your Republican dad. Fact-checkers keep hitting it like a Whack-a-Mole game, but it just won’t die.

Washington Post To The Rescue

The Washington Post‘s team of fact-checkers decided to do a deep-dive on this one, and, after all was said and done, they rated it “Four Pinocchios.”

Some of the highlights of the Washington Post‘s findings:

“[Zeifman] had no control over her hiring — and would not have been in a position to fire her.”
Zeifman published a book about Clinton in 2006, but the Watergate investigation only takes up 30 pages of it. “Clinton, after all, was just a low-level staff attorney, playing a relatively modest role. She did not even have a law license yet (and, in fact, failed the D.C. Bar exam she took three days before the committee’s vote on the articles of impeachment).”
“There is no actual quote from Zeifman saying he fired her. Moreover, in other interviews, Zeifman acknowledged that he did not fire Clinton.”
However, the final nail in the coffin of this myth — the pièce de résistance, if you will — is the pay record of the Judiciary Committee.

As reported by the Post:

“Note that Hillary Rodham is paid ($3,377.77) through Sept. 4; two of her more senior colleagues on the impeachment staff, associate special counsel Robert Sack and senior associate special counsel Bernard Nussbaum, were paid through Sept. 2 and Sept. 6, respectively. The committee’s impeachment report was published Aug. 20, and the staff’s work was done by early September.
In other words, she wasn’t fired.”

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