Monday, May 09, 2016

Stop treating advocates for the militia movement as legitimate voices in debate over gun violence (hunter) · Friday, May 06, 2016, 7:26 pm

Toddlers with access to guns have shot themselves or other people at a rate well above one per week this year, a steep increase from last year and, again, these represent only a tiny fraction of all so-called "accidental" shootings. This is America, however, and if the gun lobbyists were willing to tell the nation to suck it up and move on after the Sandy Hook Elementary School murders, you can damn well believe they'll be opposed to doing anything about it, even the smallest little possible thing. Here's the opinion of a prosecutor having to mop up after one of these cases:

“You can’t call this a tragic accident,” said Jean Peters Baker, the prosecutor of Jackson County, Mo., who is overseeing the criminal case in Sha’Quille’s death. Her office charged Mr. Block, 24, with second-degree murder and child endangerment. “These are really preventable, and we’re not willing to prevent them.”

And here's the opinion of public boil Larry Pratt, who continues to count as a somebody when it comes time to write these things or appear on television channels, with no mention that he's an extremist nut tied to both the white supremacy and violent militia movements.

“It’s clearly a tragedy, but it’s not something that’s widespread,” said Larry Pratt, a spokesman and former executive director of Gun Owners of America. “To base public policy on occasional mishaps would be a grave mistake.”

No sense crying over spilt children, says Pratt. From Sandy Hook to literally every single gun death before and since, they all count as acceptable losses when it comes to maintaining the current gun free-for-all status quo. All of them individually, and all of them combined.

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