Monday, May 09, 2016

Trump to West Virginians: Don't bother voting Tuesday, 'Forget this one.' (hunter) · Friday, May 06, 2016, 10:28 pm

No matter how many times Donald Trump opens his mouth, he never gets any better at it. It's almost mesmerizing—he seems determined to prove to voters that his candidacy was always just a put-on, a satire-driven prank for the ages, but no matter what he says the audience just won't pick up on his hints. He seems desperate, at this point. Now he's outright telling people not to vote for him!

During a joyful, victorious rally speech in West Virginia on Thursday night, Trump told his crowd of 13,000 that they no longer had to vote in Tuesday's Republican primary — even though there are still a number of contested local races on the ballot. This came after Trump repeatedly told the crowd that he debated on whether to show up, as he no longer needed their votes in the primary. He said "just didn't have the heart" to stand them up.

That is the perfect satirical representation of Trumpism: Don't bother showing up to vote on things anymore, I've won and am done with you. That, coupled with musings to the crowd about how they very specifically don't matter to him at this point, but he'll still let them bask in his presence due to his own inescapable charity, is indistinguishable from any skit by any comedian about what a Donald Trump candidacy might look like.

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