Wednesday, December 14, 2016

NYT responds to uptick in hate crimes and discrimination with new feature, 'This Week in Hate' (lizbirge) · Saturday, December 10, 2016, 5:22 pm

With the election of Donald Trump last month, hate has become a commodity the New York TImes has decided to track. The feature, called “This Week in Hate,” draws its inspiration from the Southern Poverty Law Center, which also keeps track of hate-inspired activity.

This Week in Hate tracks hate crimes and harassment around the country since the election of Donald Trump. The Southern Poverty Law Center and other groups are keeping detailed counts of harassment and abuse. We will regularly present a selection of incidents to show the scope of the problem.

Unfortunately, there has been an abundance of material to work with. The Times’s first list of incidents appeared on Nov. 29 and included 10 exceptional examples of criminal behavior and activity people used to be ashamed of, such as:

• In the last week, three mosques in California and one in Georgia have received letters threatening that Donald Trump “is going to do to you Muslims what Hitler did to the Jews.” The letters were signed “Americans for a Better Way.”
• Last week, a passenger on a Delta flight began shouting, “Donald Trump” and asked, “We got some Hillary bitches on here?”
• In Astoria, Queens, on Nov. 17, an Arab-American Uber driver recorded a video of another driver shouting at him that “Trump is president” and “they’ll deport you soon.”
• At a Smith’s supermarket in Albuquerque, N.M., on Nov. 23, a woman began shouting Islamophobic abuse at a shopper wearing a hijab. Employees removed the shouting woman from the store, but she waited in the parking lot for the woman in the hijab to emerge. Eventually, employees escorted the woman in the hijab to her car.

Impressive. And sad.


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