Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Political posters

Not sure what's going on out there in the Dakotas. Why does the pipeline company think they have the right to cross the reservation? Seems like some part of the story in still unfolding. 
American media is owned by corporations, and they want to own your sorry ass.

Standing Rock Sioux Tribe

As with most conservatives, the thinking that went into Trump's immigration plan is VERY shallow.

Trump's border wall

Obama and America's prison problem

Trump's visit to Mexico

Homeland security 

Americans have a pretty difficult time keeping things in perspective.

Trump's taxes

The corporations - they want to own your sorry ass, and that's why we need government regulation.

Pro-gun or pro-life?

If Republicans can make shit up, so can we.

Trump voter

Republicans wasting money

Political common sense

God is conflicted about our Presidential elections

Vote Hillary

Climate change deniers 

First amendment rights

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