Monday, October 05, 2015

Jeb Bush Humiliated After Tax Plan Gets Exposed as a Sham by Fox News

September 28, 2015 By Allen Clifton

Once upon a time some people referred to Jeb as the “smarter Bush.” Clearly, this was in reference to the fact that his brother often sounded like a bumbling idiot who seemed proud to finish a sentence without embarrassing himself. Well, the more I hear Jeb speak, the more I’m starting to think he’s an even bigger idiot than his brother.

Take for instance bizarre comments he made during an interview with Fox News’ Chris Wallace when he tried defending his desire to give the richest among us a massive tax break. “You gave your tax plan to four conservative economists who said that it would increase the deficit between 1 and 3 trillion dollars over the next ten years,” Wallace said. “Now, Ronald Reagan proposed something roughly similar, big tax cuts, back in 1980 and he argued that the dynamic effect, the word you used, the growth would end up paying for the revenue loss.”

“It’s not the government’s money,” Bush responded. “If we can allow people to have more money, clearly that’s going to create economic growth.”

“But whether it was Ronald Reagan’s tax cuts or your brother’s tax cuts, they did add greatly to the deficit,” Wallace replied.

“They didn’t add as greatly as the static thinkers on the left think,” Bush said. “They created a dynamic effect of high growth. If people think 2 percent growth is okay then we’ll have more people living in poverty, and disposable income for the middle class will continue to decline. We have to jump start the economy so people can have more money to make decisions for themselves.”

Wait a minute… they didn’t add as greatly to the debt as the ‘static thinkers on the left think’? Is he serious? Those of us “on the left” didn’t imagine the national debt nearly tripling during Reagan’s administration, then nearly doubling during his brother’s eight years in the White House - that actually happened. And both men made the same promises that their tax cuts would benefit the middle class and reduce deficits.

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