
Saturday, August 04, 2012

Political imagery and commentary - the continuing story

More signs detailing the far right's inability to think at a deeper level than a rock.

There seems to be a lot of people who rely on faith and belief in the U.S. - mostly people who have no faith in education. How do we cope?

Despite the lack of clarity and grammatical accuracy in this graphic, there's quite a bit of truth in the discussion of the wealthy being able to manipulate the minds of many of those in the lower and middle class.

The native Americans truly understood the importance of caring for mother earth.

And they will be led by those who want the U.S. to return to the days of the 1800's - the conservatives among us.

Let's just make it clear that I respect your right to your opinion.

How to make a Republican angry. The U.S. has suffered through a number of depressions (go back to the days before we had The Fed), but two of the worst occurred in 1932 and in 2008. Republicans led us into both.

Are women abandoning the Republican party in droves?

Amazing how the biggest problem with health care is in the most conservative states. I think they are full of individualists who don't care what happens to their neighbor.

Romney explains his resume for President in a cartoon.

I have always been intrigued by economists (usually right-wing economists) who assert that government does not create jobs. What about teachers, firemen, police, etc.? Must be something I'm missing because all of those people that have those non-existent jobs then pay taxes and buy stuff with money they must not have.

Just in case you're not aware of it, the wealthy members of the far right have little more than disdain for the poor who support them.

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