
Thursday, August 02, 2012

Political imagery and commentary - the humor keeps on rolling.

Republicans set the blaze, then blame the firemen.

U.S military spending graph - we spend too much.

It's an analogy on Romney's plan to improve the U.S.

Cartoon on the Romney minions.

Romney speaking out of both sides of his mouth.

This is unsubstantiated, but it could be true about Romney.

Romney indicates that his fellow rich friends need to educate the dummies on how to vote.

Hard to tell - does this misspelled sign-maker mean "dissent" (most likely) or "decent?"

Another crazy Republican sign with a major misspelling.

I think this dummy means "We're", but it's tough to teach someone this old.

You just can't fix stupid Republicans. A sign on Medicare and socialized medicine.

Jon Stewart on Mitt Romeny.

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