
Saturday, August 04, 2012

Some snarky views of religion

Religion feeds the ego.

Religion is a more "basic" thought level than science. It's time to advance.

Harry Potter has little faith in faith.

Scientists need to be more flexible in their beliefs than the religious because our knowledge of the world increases every day.

This is an excellent quote - the Bible sets up the human race to accept terrible, evil 
behavior. Flood to kill everyone in the world, anyone?  BTW, the religious often claim that we can all trace our roots back to Adam and Eve - but can't we, applying their logic, all trace our roots back to Noah and his wife (what was her name)? God killed everyone else on earth at that point.

Once again, atheists often know the Bible better than average, religious lay-person.

Hey, religious freak - have you ever read the Bible? Do you really LIKE what it has to say?

Belief is for those unwilling to accept, or unable to understand, modern science.

Detailing some of the abominations the religious are engaged in today. Are those in the religious right talking about going THIS far back when they tell us they want their country back? Or do they just want to back a little way so that they are not inconvenienced?

What would happen to Christianity if the people of the world had to start over?

A graph detailing God's power. Amazing how, as the world has become more educated, God's influence has waned.

Religion belongs in your church, not in my educational system.

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