Tuesday, February 03, 2009

More Scandal

This stuff makes you sick after a while. One has to wonder if there are so many politicians getting away with bilking the taxpayers that most think they'll get away with it - or do we in fact catch most of this crap and the ones who are caught are just stupid? Any thoughts?

This is from Pennsylvania, posted at WHPTV.com...

SCRANTON, Pa. (AP) - Two Luzerne County judges are headed for federal prison.

Federal authorities say President Judge Mark Ciavarella and Senior Judge Michael Conahan were involved in a $2.6 million scheme to place juvenile offenders into facilities in which the judges had a financial interest.

Court documents state that in some cases, Ciavarella ordered children into detention even when juvenile probation officers did not recommend it.

The two have agreed to plead guilty to honest services fraud and tax fraud. Their plea agreements call for sentences of more than seven years in federal prison. They have agreed to step down from the bench.

Ciavarella denied wrongdoing in an interview last May with The Associated Press.
via Crooks and Liars, where Susie Madrak says...

Back when I was a reporter, I once explained to a (Republican) politician that it was against the state ethics law to use his wife as the township secretary, since the two of them could collude to change the public record. He looked at me, shocked, and said, "If you're not in politics to make money for yourself and your family, why would you bother?" Why, indeed.

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