Sunday, February 15, 2009

Dear Cabinet Members

Jake McIntyre aka Trapper John over on Daily Kos had a really funny post. I hope that he doesn't mind that I ripped it off because I'm giving him full credit...


To: Anyone who sent his or her resume to my transition team
From: The President of the United States

Please pay your taxes. We kinda need them, what with the financial crisis and the massive stimulus spending and whatnot. Thanks.


PS: In case you're confused -- personal gifts are things like sweaters and bottles of wine, or -- if you're really lucky -- maybe a Wii or Sox-Yanks tickets or something. If you're honestly deluded enough to believe that daily use of a goddamn Town Car and a goddamn chauffeur is a "gift," you're probably too divorced from everyday reality to work for the people of the United States.

kthxbai, POTUS

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