
Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Scenes from America:


–Conservative calls a liberal a “snowflake.” Promptly melts down when a movie does not specifically show Neil Armstrong planting the US flag on the moon. Hollywood hates America!

–Conservative demands the right “fuck your feelings” and speak their mind about anything they want to. Promptly imagines the collapse of Western Civilization if wished “Happy Holidays” instead of Merry Christmas.”

–Conservative insists that religious freedom is under assault from secularists and humanists. Promptly goes bananas when a Muslim wants to found a mosque.

–Conservative claims that America is the strongest country in the world, now and forever. Promptly sees the end of the nation if anyone expresses their rights by disagreeing with their opinion about anything.

–Conservative puffs with pride on the sight of a phalanx of B-2 bombers flying over a football stadium. Promptly screams that al Qaeda is on the verge of toppling the United States – both its government and its society.

–Conservative observes that racism and sexism are of the past. Promptly shouts that white men – especially white, Christian males – are being screwed by “the elite”


Folks, this is the playbook. Conservatives find their own weaknesses and then attack liberals for suffering from those flaws. Liberals and progressives respond by explaining how they’re not guilty of the charge. Meanwhile, conservatives move on to the next attack, and the news cycle endlessly reflects that conservative point of view.

Don’t play the game. Change the game.


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