
Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Dear Republicans

Thomas Clay Jr.Follow

Dear Republicans,

I need to straighten you all out about a few things since you only listen to the dunderheads on the State TV you watch all the time that is incessantly wrong about everything, especially about Democrats.

Remember when Wayne LaPierre told you that Obama was coming for yer guns? He lied. You lied. Every single one of you moronic 2nd amendment jackasses lied about it. Not only did you lie like the dickens, you believed all that Jade Helm crap because you're a bunch of conspiracy-believing lunatics with only a faint grasp on reality.

Democrats are the party of inclusion. We aren't a bunch of fraidy-cat cowards scared of Muslims and Mexicans because we love Kabobs and Tacos. You butter-brains think having a taco truck on every corner is a BAD thing! But one thing you've gotten badly wrong is that we are tolerant of your flat imbecility. We're not. We also don't owe you a civil discussion about a damn thing while you're sitting in your Lazy Boys silent as this insidious git keeps kidnapping children from their parents over a misdemeanor charge. We are against child abuse, you all apparently wanted to put a child molester in the senate!

Do not ever act as though you have some moral ascendency over anyone ever again. That goes especially for every single evangelical hypocrite alive right now. Do not ever say that you are pro-life again after you support a man who puts children into 'tender care' detention centers for $2000 a day.

Stop flapping your yappers about any economic theory you have or that 'blue states are disasters' when every single time you cut taxes you explode the deficit. And for the record, California went from the 8th largest economy under Ahnold with record deficits to the 5th largest economy with record surpluses under Jerry Brown. Every single state run republicans is running budget deficits because cutting taxes has never once generated additional revenues for the state. If that were true, Kansas would be the richest state there is. Instead they're closing schools and running the rest for 4 days a week because they don't have the money to pay for anything because you guessed it, they cut taxes.

Don't ever say another word about LGBTQ people being immoral or offending god after *YOU* voted for a man who is a serial adulterer who cheated on his current wife with at least two women that we know of while she was pregnant no less. It does not say, 'Thou shalt not be gay' but it does say 'Thou shalt not commit adultery' you abominable hypocrites!

Don't you ever dare again to claim you are the party of 'family values' when you elect people who want to cut food programs for the elderly and poor children. You're not following the teachings of Christ so don't even call yourself Christians again until you cure yourselves of your apostasy.

Don't ever claim that you are patriots either. You're nothing but a bunch of flag-suckers who think looting our treasury to mortgage the future generations of Americans by enslaving us to an abominable national debt that *YOU ALONE* are responsible for ballooning into $23 trillion!

Abraham Lincoln was not a conservative, he was a liberal. Conservatives were the southern traitors so stop acting like you freed the slaves and did a damn thing to grant black Americans any rights at all when you are doing everything you possibly can to keep them from voting. If Democrats are the racists as you claim and you are the party of "virtue", you wouldn't object to the removal of the statutes your racists parents put up as an homage to treason!

Liberals have just as many guns as you do. The difference is that we're not willing to point them at our fellow Americans who are so damn ignorant that you believed for 8 years Obama was coming for them. We don't want our kids or your kids being mowed down at school because we're a bunch of cowardly wimps who will stand with the NRA who runs Russian cash through it like crap through a goose! We already had that wild wild west experience and we passed laws because sane people don't want every lunatic on the planet toting AR 15s in the grocery store. You couldn't stand up to a squad of fully equipped Marines so spare us your idiotic 'muh rights to defend against tyranny is worth the blood of children' BULLSHIT you morons!

For all you dumbass Trump supporters, there has never been and never will be a billionaire white man president who is going to 'look out for the little guy'! That's like a Lion promising to be a vegan you hapless nitwits! You tried the same crap with Bush and what happened? A national disaster of your making!

Do not ever say the words 'mental health' the next time there's a mass shooting after Trump and congressional republicans specifically repealed Obama's regulation to stop insane people from purchasing firearms. You have done nothing to stop the bloodshed of innocents. You are not 'pro-life.' You are 'forced-birth' so get it straight because the entire world is nauseated by your incessant hypocrisy.

Do not ever again say you are "pro-constitution" after your entire congressional contingent has violated their oaths of office by doing precisely *NOTHING* to oversee the criminal administration you put in office. And stop parroting the "witch hunt" bullpuckey from your dear leader when Mueller has convicted every single person he's brought indictments against. It's not a witch hunt, that's a round up. In all your idiotic claims about Obama being a dictator and Hillay being a criminal, there isn't a single indictment much less a conviction between them. So if you think somehow she's still going to jail, you are a moron.

We wake up every single day to this horror show that you created out of sheer petulance where even a supreme court nominee will perjure themselves before the world and you don't care. As a whole, you're entirely devoid of ethics and morality. Hell, you're not even a loyal opposition anymore after you climbed in bed with the former head of the KGB and now the most successful knee-crawling murdering thug the world has ever known. You hate Democrats more than our sworn enemy because you've been imbibing the poison of propaganda in every corner of your world without seeing who is trying to control your meek and feeble minds!

We are intolerant of your stupidity and your treason for electing this Russian-colluding traitor and his family of multiple felons you put in our White House. We're coming for you this November. If there's any decent human beings left in your vile party, you're welcome to join us in trying to stem the damage this carnival barker is inflicting on the planet.


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