
Friday, January 05, 2018

Fusion GPS Founders Attack Republicans for Conducting 'Fake Investigations' into Russia

A blistering op-ed contains new details of what the research firm shared with Congress.

By Chris Sosa / AlterNet January 2, 2018, 6:39 PM GMT

Glenn R. Simpson and Peter Fritsch, the co-founders of research firm GPS Fusion, presented a full-throated attack on Republicans' unethical handling of the Russia investigation in a Tuesday night New York Times op-ed.

Fusion GPS commissioned the opposition research that resulted in the Steele dossier, and its co-founders offered closed-door testimony to congressional Republicans. The former journalists reminded readers that Republicans tried to shield President Richard Nixon by "chasing rabbits." They allege that Republicans are doing the same thing today by proactively attempting to redirect attention from the actual targets to undermine the goal of the investigation.

Simpson and Fritsch say Republicans are refusing to release transcripts of their testimony, despite their requests. Their testimony offered support for the position that Russia proactively interfered in the U.S. election to help elect President Donald Trump.

The two have now opted to share their findings with the public in spite of GOP efforts to suppress it. They say Congress appears not to have subpoenaed "Deutsche Bank and others that were funding Mr. Trump’s businesses," despite their suggestion that legislators do so.

"[W]e found widespread evidence that Mr. Trump and his organization had worked with a wide array of dubious Russians in arrangements that often raised questions about money laundering," the co-founders write. "[T]hose deals don’t seem to interest Congress."

"The public still has much to learn about a man with the most troubling business past of any United States president," the two conclude. "Congress should release transcripts of our firm’s testimony, so that the American people can learn the truth about our work and most important, what happened to our democracy."


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