
Friday, January 05, 2018

Bannon bombshells and more: The 8 most shocking revelations from Michael Wolff’s Trump book

Brad Reed
03 JAN 2018 AT 13:52 ET                 

Journalist and author Michael Wolff on Wednesday dropped several bombshells on Donald Trump in printed excerpts of his upcoming book, Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.

The first excerpts of the book were originally leaked to The Guardian, before New York Magazine published an even more substantive portion.

The book details the intrigue, in-fighting, and all-around chaos that swirled around both Trump’s election campaign and his first year in the White House. Here are the eight most shocking revelations.

1.) Steve Bannon predicts special counsel Robert Mueller will “crack Don Jr. like an egg” over his infamous 2016 meeting with Russian officials, which Bannon also described as “treasonous.”

2.) Trump didn’t seem to know who former House Speaker John Bohener was. When former Fox boss Roger Ailes recommended Trump consider Boehner to be his chief of staff, Trump reportedly asked, “Who’s that?”

3.) First Lady Melania Trump was horrified by Trump’s win — and she cried “tears — and not of joy” on the night of her husband’s victory.

4.) Former campaign aide tried to tutor Trump in governance by teaching him about the Constitution — and failed miserably..

“I got as far as the Fourth Amendment before his finger is pulling down on his lip and his eyes are rolling back in his head,” Nunberg explained.

5.) Trump is paranoid about germs — and he warned the White House cleaning staff to never, under any circumstances, touch his toothbrush. The president also reprimanded the cleaning staff after one of them picked up a shirt he left on the floor.

“If my shirt is on the floor, it’s because I want it on the floor,” he said, according to Wolff.

6.) 21st Century Fox boss Rupert Murdoch called Trump “a f*cking idiot” after the two had a discussion on H1-B visas. Trump drew Murdoch’s ire after he seemingly didn’t understand that helping Silicon Valley tech companies secure more of H1-B visas would be breaking his own campaign promising.

7.) Ann Coulter warned Trump against hiring his children — and then he did it anyway. “You just can’t hire your children,” Coulter told Trump during the presidential transition. Shortly afterward, he hired both daughter Ivanka Trump and son-in-law Jared Kushner to key White House advisory positions.

8.) Trump didn’t want former United Nations ambassador John Bolton to be secretary of state because of his mustache. The infamously belligerent Bolton, who made a habit of angering his fellow diplomats while serving as UN ambassador under the George W. Bush administration, was not picked to run Foggy Bottom because Trump found that he didn’t “look the part” — primarily because of his big, bushy mustache.


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